How to fix Salesforce Timeout error in SSIS?

When utilizing the Salesforce Source or Salesforce Destination, you may encounter the following Timeout error:

[Salesforce Source/Destination] Error: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpWebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object parameters)
at ZappySys.Crm.SdfcPartnerApi.SforceService.query(String queryString)
at ZappySys.Crm.Salesforce.SalesforceConnection..


If you’re seeing the “System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out” error, it means that your system is taking too long to talk to Salesforce. This can happen for various reasons, like a slow internet connection, dealing with a lot of data, or complicated queries. To fix it, you might want to speed up your queries, check your network connection, and make sure your system can handle the load. Also, keep an eye on Salesforce’s performance and any limits they might have on how often you can ask for information. It’s like a timeout in a game – if it takes too long, something might be off, and you need to adjust to keep things running smoothly.

ZappySys Issue Resolution

To effectively address timeout errors in the ZappySys Tasks, consider adjusting specific configuration settings. One crucial parameter to focus on is the Timeout setting, we can also explore the ‘Retry’ setting.

Increase the Timeout

In Salesforce Connection settings, you can extend the time allowed for communication by increasing the timeout. This is handy for tasks that require more time, like handling large amounts of data or complex queries. Essentially, it gives your system the flexibility to complete tasks without being rushed.

In the Salesforce connection settings, we can set up Timeout Seconds.
Salesforce connection → General Tab

Enable Retry Setting on Error

Enabling retries on errors means your system gets a second shot at a task if it fails initially. It’s like giving it a little persistence to handle temporary issues, making your system more adaptable and reliable. Just find the right balance in how many retries and how much time between them. It’s a simple way to boost your system’s resilience.

In the Salesforce connection settings, we can set up Error Retry configurations like this.
Salesforce connection → Error Retry Settings Tab

Retain the Same Connection

In Salesforce connections, “Retain Same Connection” means sticking with the existing connection instead of creating a new one. This helps optimize efficiency by avoiding the overhead of constant connection establishment, ensuring smoother and more efficient interactions with Salesforce services.

Right Click on Salesforce Connection → Go to Properties → Set RetainSameConnection as True

Adjust Batch Size:

Try changing the batch size for data operations to see if it improves performance. Smaller batch sizes can lower the risk of timeouts, especially when dealing with large datasets. Adjusting this setting allows for more manageable data processing and may help prevent timeouts during operations.

In Salesforce Source

Adjust the batch size in Salesforce Source’s bottom-right settings when fetching data. This fine-tunes performance, controlling the number of records in each batch for a smoother integration with Salesforce.
Salesforce Source Batch Size

In Salesforce Destination

In Salesforce Destination, adjust the BatchSize in the Components custom properties. This setting lets you control how many records are processed in each batch during data transfer, offering flexibility to optimize the loading process based on your needs. It’s a handy tool for improving the efficiency of data transfers within Salesforce.
Salesforce Destination Batch Size

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