How to Connect to Stripe API in ODBC


This article guides you through connecting to the Stripe API in the ODBC API driver. This enables seamless integration and management of Stripe data using the ZappySys ODBC Stripe Connector.

Stripe is a powerful online payment processing platform designed for internet businesses of all sizes. It allows companies to accept payments, send payouts, and manage their finances online. Stripe’s robust APIs enable developers to integrate payment processing into their applications, providing a seamless experience for businesses and customers.



Create/Select a Secret Key/Token from the Stripe Developers Page

  1. Log into your Stripe account and go to Developers - API key page.

  2. Click on Create restricted key, enter the name for your key, select the permissions you want, and then press Create key at the bottom.

  3. Press Reveal test key, and you will get your key.

Create a New Driver

  1. Open the ODBC Data Source by typing “ODBC” in the search box and launching the ODBC Data Source.
    Open ODBC Data Source

  2. To gain access for yourself or other users, go to the User DSN or System DSN. Go to the System tab for SQL Server Integration and add a new System DSN. Click the “Add” button.
    ZappySys ODBC Driver - Open UI

  3. From the driver list, select ZappySys API Driver, then select Stripe in the connector list and press Continue.

Stripe Connector Configuration

  1. Enter the secret key into the Token field and test the connection.

  2. Go to the Preview Tab, select any table, and preview the result. Press OK to save the configuration.


Save the Secret key so you do not have to search for it in your account every time.

Video tutorial


Following these steps, you can seamlessly connect to Stripe within the ODBC API Driver, leveraging the ZappySys tool for efficient data retrieval and integration. For assistance or inquiries, contact our support team via chat on our website.


For more detailed information, refer to our ZappySys Stripe connector.