Salesforce Source API - OAuth 2.0 and PKCE-configuration in app in Salesforce

Hey there!

I’m trying to set up a Salesforce Connection (via OAuth 2.0). However, since a couple of months I keep getting the error: ‘missing required code challenge’. I’m wondering how to fix this. Should I inform my Salesforce-partner to turn off the PKCE-option? I’ve entered all the necessary details (Client ID + secret, etc.) but I can’t seem to fix this error.

Anybody has any ideas?

Hi @Marijn for now we do not have the option in Salesforce Connection to handle PKCE information in OAuth 3-Legged API calls. So we suggest you disable this option in your salesforce OAuth App settings.

If you are using our OAuth connection then you can configure Extra Auth Options and Extra Token Request Options but the same is not possible for Salesforce Connection.

Example of Extra Attributes for Auth and Token Request

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Update to my previous post. We are going to expose this option in both connection managers in the coming version.

Here is what it will look like

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