ODBC PowerPack 1.9.0 Released

Version [Oct 17, 2024]

New Features/Improvements

  • NEW: API Connector - All Google Connectors - Add Redirect URL Property to support Web Application credentials (Advanced Option)
  • NEW: API Connector - All Google Connectors - Update instructions for all Google API Connectors to Publish App (without this custom app expires refresh_token every 7 days)
  • NEW: API Connector - Amazon Seller Partner (SP-API) - New connector to read / write data from SP-API (Orders, Reports, Inventory etc)
  • NEW: API Connector - Asana - Read / Write Tasks, Sub Tasks, Projects, Users, and more
  • NEW: API Connector - Azure DevOps - Query list doesnt refresh after changing Project prameter for get_workitems_by_query_id endpoint on Query Builder UI
  • NEW: API Connector - Azure DevOps - Updated datatypes for some endpoint columns (previously they were all string types)
  • NEW: API Connector - CosmosDB - Change default rows per page (MaxItemCount) from 100 to 1000 for performance improvement
  • NEW: API Connector - CosmosDB - Updated datatypes for some endpoint columns (previously they were all string types)
  • NEW: API Connector - Gmail - Add Htmlbody / PlainTextBody columns (Previously it was always null)
  • NEW: API Connector - Gmail - Add new feature to download attachments / list attachments
  • NEW: API Connector - Gmail - Added extra columns / fixed datatypes for Messages table
  • NEW: API Connector - Google BigQuery - Add support for TIMESTAMP columns to display as DateTime column along with original column (new column NameOfTimeStampColumn_DT)
  • NEW: API Connector - JIRA - Add option to choose custom domain in service URL
  • NEW: API Connector - JIRA - Add option to use PAT (Personal Access Token) for Authentication (Bearer Token)
  • NEW: API Connector - JIRA - Added Lookup support (WHERE Id=123) for SELECT / UPDATE / DELETE operations
  • NEW: API Connector - JIRA - Performance enhancements and datatype changes for TextArea fields (Detect them as DT_NTEXT rather than DT_WSTR)
  • NEW: API Connector - JIRA - support for writing Option / Radio fields by Value and Id (introduced new fields customfields_xxxx_id and customfields_xxxx_value)
  • NEW: API Connector - Outlook Mail (Office 365) - Allow to get messages from a specific folder for get_messages and get_my_messages endpoints
  • NEW: API Connector - Outlook Mail (Office 365) - New endpoint download_message_attachments to get multiple attachments by search condition
  • NEW: API Connector - Service Desk Plus ManageEngine - Add endpoints to read Project data (Projects, Memebers, Milestones, Comments)
  • NEW: API Connector - Service Desk Plus ManageEngine - Add endpoints to read Task data
  • NEW: API Connector - ServiceDesk Plus (Managed Engine by Zoho) - Added new tables / endpoints related to Projects, Members, Milestones, Changes, Assests, Problems, Contracts and PurchaseOrders
  • NEW: API Connector - Shopify - Change datatype for LineItems to DT_NTEXT to handle more than 4000 chars
  • NEW: API Connector - Smartsheet - New connector to read / write SmartSheet data (Sheets, Rows, Contacts etc)
  • NEW: API Connector - Zendesk - Add new endpoint search_export to read more than 1000 search records
  • NEW: API Connector - Zendesk - New incremental export endpoints for User, Organization and Ticket Metric Event (Fetch updated records only)
  • NEW: API Connector - Zendesk - Performance improvement for many paginated endpoints such as get_tickets, get_tickets_incr, get_users, get_organizations, get_ticket_metrics and more
  • NEW: API Connector - Zendesk - Update Offset based pagination to cursor based pagination (Zendesk Announced they will discontinue old pagination)
  • NEW: API Connector - Zoho CRM - Add support for new dataceneters (Saudi Arabia (SA), Canada (CA) and Japan (JP))
  • NEW: API Connector - Zoho CRM - Add support for V3, V4... V7 APIs
  • NEW: API Connector - Zoho CRM - Document Lookup write examples (Insert, Update)
  • NEW: API Connector - Zoho CRM - Support for choosing higher API version (e.g. V7) - Set at connection level
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add EndPoint property DisableChildEndPoint - Useful when used with ParameterScope (Zoho v3+ usecase)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add new EndPoint Property PushToChildEndPoint - Support for passing Parent variable to child endpoint if parent is dynamically expanded (e.g. Zoho Usecase of get_[$parent.api_name$] used in child_Search)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add new UI Editor type for Browse Folder (e.g. <Param ... Editor="FolderOpen" ... )
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add support for IF_NULL (conditional output based on null value) in Functions property for InputColumns and OutputColumns (Previously when null value ignored Functions property and results in null)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add support for Key Attribute for Auth Parameters (Right now it must use Name)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Add Support for Static Options when MultiSelectAllOnBlank or MultiSelectAllOnDefault specified and no OptionsEndPoint listed
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Allow KeyIf property to use flag for MapToParam and Name to use for Key column (matahc with Param name) - e.g. KeyIf="id|1|IdOrKey"
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Allow option to hide Generate Token button and AccessToken (introduce TokenUIMode Property for OAuth connection type)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Allow Property Type Paramater with new attribute PropertyScope=ApiObject to make EndPoint Attribute Dynamic
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Allow to use Column Placeholders in Function during Expand (e.g. <Column Exapnd="True" Functions="[$parent.id$].....".... > ) for Dynamic Columns (Expand=True)
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Provide a way to use multiple endpoint names in OptionsEndPoint and Union Result (E.g. OptionsEndPoint="get_cars;get_bikes"
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Three new properties for OAuth Connection - AuthorizeInFullBrowser, UseLoopbackUrlForDefault, CustomWarningForFullMode
  • NEW: API Connector Framework - Trim LayoutMap to avoid whitespace error
  • NEW: API Driver - Add support for BULK INSERT (useful for ETL Write Scenario in tools like Informatica, SSIS, Talend Targets with Bulk option ON)
  • NEW: API Driver - Add support for more granular datatypes (e.g. DT_STR (ANSI), DT_DBDATE...)
  • NEW: API Driver - Allow to run native SQL without #DirectSQL prefix - Add connection level option TreatAsDirectSqlWhenNoPrefix (use #ClientSQL to invoke client side SQL engine)
  • NEW: API Driver - Enable Direct Editing of Client Secret in the Connection Settings instead of clicking "..." button
  • NEW: API Driver - Enable Direct Editing of Client Secret in the Connection Settings instead of clicking "..." button
  • NEW: API Driver - Introduce a new option [CacheToken] on [Advanced] tab to enable reusing token / reduce number of token renew calls / share same token with multiple processes using same API credentials
  • NEW: Data Gateway - Update Code Generator to use new Provider MSOLEDBSQL rather than depricated SQLNCLI11 for Linked Server ( [Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server] is now preferred OLEDB driver and [SQL Server Native Client] is deprecated)
  • NEW: Excel Driver - Add new property [DateFormat] and [DateTimeFormat] to control Date format for Date value with or without time part (right now all date values (even without time part) displayed with long format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss and no way to control it)
  • NEW: Excel Driver - Provide additional system table __SheetList__ to return list of tabs on a sepected sheet
  • NEW: General - Add Encoding argument support for file_write_text
  • NEW: General - Add Generator Code button
  • NEW: General - Add Logo / Title / Description for API Connector and other Drivers
  • NEW: General - Add new parameter returnStaticValueOnBadExpression for FUN_TO_DATETIME / FUN_TO_DATE / FUN_TO_DATETIME_UTC - If user entered invalid expression then allow to return expression or inputvalue as is if supplied
  • NEW: General - Add option on License Manager (Logging Tab) to turn on global logging for HTTP / HTTPS Requests (Useful when Fiddler not installed)
  • NEW: General - Add support for RFC2397 style base64 string in BASE64_TO_FILE(...) function
  • NEW: General - Add ThrowIfMissing parameter for FUN_JSON_TO_TEXT (bad filter throws error if parameter is passed)
  • NEW: General - Added details for ODBC Logging
  • NEW: General - Allow suffix in placeholder function name "_safe" or "_strict" (e.g. FUN_READFILE_SAFE) to fail or return error message rather than ignoring error (current behavior)
  • NEW: General - FUN_IF add two new match operators - In / NotIn - Example <<2|~|In|~|1,2,3,4|~|found|~|not found,FUN_IF>> - Use comma to supply options
  • NEW: General - FUN_IF date time compare doesnt work in Eq, NotEq, Lt, Gt, LtEq, GtEq operator
  • NEW: General - FUN_IF numeric / datetime compare doesnt work for some culture (e.g. German, Finland with comma as decimal point) - Operator Failed Eq, NotEq, Lt, Gt, LtEq, GtEq operator
  • NEW: General - New placeholder function FUN_CASE with (example <<some_color_here|~|eq:red|~|color is red|~|eq:green|~|color is green|~|default message,FUN_CASE>> ) - Allowed Match Operators are Eq, NotEq , Gt, GtEq, Lt, LtEq, Between, Contains, ... few more
  • NEW: General - Provide an extra property SettingsFile in ConnectionString to overcome 1024 chars limit for some Programming languages (e.g. C# OdbcConnection class)
  • NEW: JDBC Bridge Driver - Fix JDBC prepare and params
  • NEW: JDBC Bridge Driver - Provide a new Metadata option (JdbcTablesMetaMode='IgnoreTypes') to handle faulty JDBC driver getTables implementation (e.g. Infor JDBC cannot display Views in MS Access)
  • NEW: JDBC Bridge Driver - Provide an option (LargeNumericHandling) to handle Large Numeric values (TreatAsString, Truncate, Throw) - Right now its treated as string and not convert to decimal
  • NEW: JDBC Bridge Driver - text datatype may not work in some apps (e.g. SSIS - Using DT_NTEXT and DT_TEXT )
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - Add an option to skip Authorization header if Custom Authorization Header name is selected
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - Allow to export metadata as lower_case format for API Connector (OutputColumns in XML Format)
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - Introduce a new option [CacheToken] on [OAuth2 Grant Options] tab to enable reusing token / reduce number of token renew calls / share same token with multiple processes using same API credentials
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - Allow RedirectUrl for all Google Providers
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - Allow to supply custom headers in token or data requests (New Properties ExtraHeaders) - e.g. x-accountid:AAA||x-apikey:BBB (See Advanced Tab)
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - Space suffix has no effect in Custom Auth Scheme (its trimmed when request is sent)
  • NEW: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - Redirect 307 / 308 StatusCode along with 301 and 302
  • NEW: Salesforce / API / Excel Driver - Give new connection level property [OutputOption] for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE same as WITH ( Output='0|1|*|comma-separated-column-list...' ) now you can define at connection level as default setting
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Add a new option OwnerChangeOptions (Useful for Insert/Update operations in Target)
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Add support for Bulk API in SELECT query (e.g. #bulkmode select * from MyTable)
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Add support for Bulk INSERT Operations (useful for ETL Write Scenario in tools like Informatica, SSIS, Talend Targets with Bulk option ON)
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Add support to update / insert / upsert Lookup field by External ID rather than Salesforce Id
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Allow to set custom InstanceURL on Advanced Tab (Set AccessToken dynamically from external system scenario)
  • NEW: Salesforce Driver - Enable PKCE Code Verifier for OAuth 2.0 by default (Advanced Tab) - Without this on generate token user may see error => missing required code challenge

Bug fixes

  • FIX: API Connector - Outlook Mail (Office 365) - Some fields have wrong datatypes
  • FIX: API Connector - Power BI - Some fields have wrong datatypes
  • FIX: API Connector - CosmosDB - Maximum 10000 rows are fetched because PagingByUrlMaxPages is set to 100 by default. It needs to be 0 for unlimited pages
  • FIX: API Connector - Google BigQuery - read_table_data endpoint throws Invalid dataset ID error
  • FIX: API Connector - JIRA - Clicking on [Show Advanced Parameters] checkbox throws error for Fields table / endpoint - Invalid ConnectionString format
  • FIX: API Connector - JIRA - Insert / Update for some Custom Field Types not working (i.e. Dropdown, Radio, List, Paragraph)
  • FIX: API Connector - Jira - Some fields (e.g. Summary) are too small for ETL tools like SSIS
  • FIX: API Connector - Zoho CRM - Lookup fields are NULL and Lookup_Field_Id is not in the output (e.g. select Account_Name from Deals)
  • FIX: API Connector Framework - Order attribute for Column / EndPoint / Table tags may not work correctly if you have Expand=True
  • FIX: API Connector Framework - Throw meaningful error if Lookup operation is not supported in UPDATE / DELETE and user tried to use Id in WHERE clause
  • FIX: API Driver - Add support ODBC Parameters in INSERT (e.g. "?" replacement)
  • FIX: API Driver - Bad Numeric Precision reported (e.g. 255) for some columns (it must be between 1 and 28)
  • FIX: API Driver - Cached RefreshToken causes "invalid_grant" error
  • FIX: API Driver - If Service URL has --regex suffix UI may add duplicate entries
  • FIX: Data Gateway - Datetime precision is lost for millisecond part (only 2 digits supported)
  • FIX: General - Add option to allow creation of DSN via command line
  • FIX: General - Allow decimal format timestamp as input for FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE (e.g. <<1.577941199123E9, FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> OR <<1577941199.123, FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE>> both must produce 2020-01-02T04:59:59.123)
  • FIX: General - DateTime Parameter Binding may ignore milliseconds part in value
  • FIX: General - FUN_IF does case-sensitive RegX match by default (unlike other operations) and ignores use if case-sensitive argument
  • FIX: General - FUN_IF returns input value if match part is set to Blank (e.g. {input}|~|Eq|~|{something}|~||~|not match,FUN_IF)
  • FIX: General - fun_unix_timestamp_to_date and fun_unix_timestamp_ms_to_date doesnt work in some cultures where dot not allowed in time part (e.g. Finland)
  • FIX: General - License UI saves settings.xml to custom data but reads from ProgramData causing mismatch
  • FIX: General - Multiple license validation entries logged in some cases
  • FIX: General - Sometimes when you click OK then parent window gets minimized (i.e. Visual Studio is minimized on close UI)
  • FIX: General - View Meta data - API Driver XML format may not show correct values for Name attributues for nested fields (e.g. nested_info.name it may show nested_info_name)
  • FIX: General - You may get error - Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed - on copy text to clipboard operation
  • FIX: HTTP Connection Manager - Dynamic Token Auth Preview shows {none} rather than blank
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge - string index out of range
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - DSN Less mode ConnectionString doesnt use ConnParams in some cases (e.g. in SSIS ConnParams params not set)
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - JBR error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Number at java.text.DecimalFormat.format(....)
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - Max Rows setting is not working for Preview UI in some cases
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - Mixing DML batches throws (e.g. SELECT, UPDATE) - The method execute() cannot take arguments on a PreparedStatement or CallableStatement.
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - Some Apps (e.g. Informatica) may detect BigInt type as string due to wrong type mapping by driver
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver - Some decimal types (e.g. NUMERIC(255, 2) ) can be reported as bad string value
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver / API Driver - Some Apps (ODBC Version 2) may not detect date / time types correctly (e.g. Informatica PowerCenter fails to detect date type)
  • FIX: JDBC Bridge Driver + Salesforce: You may not see fields in generated query on Preview UI when you select table name from the dropdown
  • FIX: JSON / CSV / XML Drivers - Custom Replace function throw value cannot be null error when you keep ReplaceWith blank (if you like to replace something with Blank)
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - MultiPart with file upload fails due to longer than 70 chars auto generated boundary (Setting custom MultiPartBoundary Property works fine)
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - All Google Providers (Youtube, Sheets, Drive, Calendar, BigQuery, Gmail) - Add access_type=offline&prompt=consent - You may not get refresh token back in some cases after authorize without this
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - If Authorization URL has Query string it may fail to extract Token sometimes
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - Manual loopback redirect URL (e.g. http://localhost:1234) does not work in Google API
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth - Sometimes after error Generate Token button is not enabled
  • FIX: JSON / XML / CSV Driver - OAuth / HTTP - Fix some misleading label for RetryMultiplyWaitTime setting fround on Error Retry Mode UI on HTTP / OAuth connections
  • FIX: Salesforce Driver - Add support for ODBC Parameters (e.g. "?" replacement)
  • FIX: Salesforce Driver - SQL Server - Linked OPENQUERY removes the decimal point for some cultures (e.g. German region)
  • FIX: Salesforce Driver - Throws Invalid URI: The URI is empty error when you choose Custom Service Type (Other)
  • FIX: Salesforce Driver - Use of astrisk (e.g. * ) in WHERE clause causes error or no rows
  • FIX: Salesforce Driver - When all columns requested (select * from) and it has bad SQL then rather than Syntax error you may get Object reference not set rather than actual error
  • FIX: Salesforce Source - Including nested object Id column in SELECT throws error - the item with the same key has been already added (e.g. SELECT Account.Owner.Id FROM Contact)