Java runtime path customization for ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver


ZappySys JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver works best with Java 8 runtime. If you have multiple Java runtimes installed on your machine, that can become a problem. Problems start to arise if one of JREs version is higher than Java 8 and is set as default Java runtime (JAVA_HOME system environment variable). In that case you may start getting errors when using ODBC data source based on ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver.


The solution to this problem is to simply configure Java path in JDBC Bridge settings file and set it to where Java 8 runtime is located:

  1. Follow this article on how to set JDBC Bridge options and create file in the folder where ZappySys ODBC PowerPack is installed, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ZappySys\ZappySys ODBC PowerPack
  2. Add a line with property java.path pointing to JRE 8 bin folder, e.g.:
java.path=c:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_382\bin

If you don’t have Java 8 runtime installed, you can download it from these sites: