How to sort JSON data in SSIS


Sorting data is essential when working with large datasets, especially unstructured data like JSON. This article will guide you through sorting rows in a JSON source using the ZappySys SSIS PowerPack. Sorting helps improve data organization and makes managing, analyzing, and extracting insights from specific data sets easier. With ZappySys, you can retrieve and sort JSON data seamlessly, ensuring efficient data processing in your SSIS workflows, even for large and complex datasets.



  1. Add a Data Flow Task to your SSIS package.

  2. Drag and drop a JSON Source component into the Data Flow. Provide a valid URL or local JSON file. In this example, we will use Example 2 from the component’s built-in samples. The JSON structure contains data we’ll sort to demonstrate the transformation.

  3. Configure the JSON Source editor to extract the desired object and preview the data. Choose the correct JSON path and verify that the data preview reflects the objects you want to work with. Once satisfied, click OK to save the configuration.

  4. Drag a Sort Transformation component and connect it to the JSON Source. In the Sort Transformation editor, select the column you want to sort by. For example, sorting by the name field in ascending order will arrange the data alphabetically. You can also select multiple columns in the Sort Transformation editor, such as sorting first by name and then by age to refine your sorting further. This flexibility allows for multi-level sorting of your JSON data.

  5. Drag a Destination component (such as an OLE DB Destination or Flat File Destination) and connect it to the Sort Transformation. Configure the Destination to store or display the sorted data. Execute the package. The output will display the data sorted by your chosen criteria (e.g., by name), and you’ll see the structured result in the destination component.
    Result of Sorted Rows

  6. If needed, you can modify the sorting logic further by using additional options in the Sort Transformation, such as setting descending order for particular fields or adding filters to the source data.

Video Tutorial


Following these steps, you can efficiently sort rows from your JSON source using the ZappySys SSIS PowerPack. Sorting helps improve data management, making retrieving, organizing, and analyzing specific information from large and unstructured datasets easier. It is beneficial when preparing your data for further processing or reporting. If you encounter any challenges or need further assistance, chat on our website.


For more information on working with JSON data in SSIS, refer to our JSON Source documentation.