How to connect to Excel using ODBC


The article provides steps to read one or more Excel files using ODBC. Here’s a summary of the steps outlined in the article:


  1. Open the ODBC Data Source by typing “ODBC” in the search box and launching the ODBC Data Source.

  2. If you want access for yourself or other users, go to the User DSN or System DSN. Go to the System tab for SQL Server Integration and add a new System DSN. Click the “Add” button.
    ZappySys ODBC Driver - Open UI

  3. From the driver list, select “ZappySys Excel Driver.”
    ZappySys ODBC Driver - Create Excel Driver

  4. supply a valid Excel file path in the “Path” property in the driver configuration. You can retrieve multiple files using a wildcard (e.g., path/*.xlsx).

  5. Click on the “Preview” tab, select a table from the Tables dropdown, choose a column ([value]), and click “Preview” to view the data.


The article provides screenshots for each step to guide users through configuring the ZappySys Excel Driver using ODBC to read Excel files. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team via chat on our website or through email at