How to connect DropBox in SSIS


This article guides you through connecting to the DropBox API in SSIS, enabling seamless integration and management of DropBox data using the Zappysys DropBox connector


  • SSIS PowerPack: Download and install the ZappySys SSIS PowerPack from the Customer Download Area or trial version

  • Have a DropBox account: Ensure you have a DropBox account to access DropBox data.

Use Case

With simple steps, connect to the DropBox API using SSIS to read from and write to DropBox data locally.


Create/Select an App from the DropBox Developers Page

  1. Log into your DropBox account.

  2. Go to DropBox Developers and click the Create app button to create a new app.

  3. Select the Scoped access option when prompted.

  4. Choose Full Dropbox to access all files and folders or App folder to access specific folders’ files and folders.

  5. Provide a name for your App and click Create App.

  6. Under the Permission type section, click Scoped App to select application scopes.

  7. Choose all Individual Scopes and Team Scopes if managing team data is necessary, then click Submit.

  8. Navigate to the Settings tab, and copy the App key and App secret to Notepad.

Connect with DropBox Connector in SSIS:

  1. Drag and drop a Data Flow task in your SSIS package.

  2. Add a API Source component inside the Data Flow.

  3. Create a new connection within the API Source, choose the Dropbox connector, and press Continue for the next step.

  4. Fill in the connector fields, including Client ID, Client Secret, and Scopes (separated by spaces).

  5. Generate the token and click OK to save the configuration.

  1. Select a table/endpoint and preview the data.


Save the credentials and scopes for easy access in the future.


Following these steps, you can seamlessly connect to DropBox within SSIS, leveraging the ZappySys tool for efficient data retrieval and integration. For assistance or inquiries, contact our support team via chat on our website or through email at


For further information, refer to our DropBox connector article.