Getting HTML Table and Saving in Excel File with SSIS PowerPack:

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to extract an HTML table and save it in an Excel file using SSIS PowerPack components. For more information about the HTML Table Source component, you can visit our article here, and for the Excel Destination component, you can check here.


  1. Drag and Drop Data Flow Task:
  • Begin by dragging and dropping a Data Flow task onto your SSIS control flow.
    HTML table source inside in a Data flow
  1. Add HTML Table Source:
  • Inside the Data Flow task, add an HTML Table Source component.
  • Configure the HTML Table Source by providing a URL with a table. In this example, we’ll use example 1 from our components, and table 9.
  • Preview the data to verify the information.
  1. Add Excel Destination:
  1. Configure Excel Destination:
  1. Run the Package:

Now, you have successfully retrieved an HTML table and stored it in an Excel file using SSIS PowerPack components. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team via chat on our website or through email at